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Cape Hatteras Secondary School Logo

Cape Hatteras Secondary Athletic Director Woody Willis


Athletic Participation Requirements

  1. Have the Online RankOne forms completed. 

  2. Have an new Athletic Physical.  All athletes must have the new NCHSAA Athlete Physical Paper work on file to be allowed to participate. Please make sure that these forms are filled out by your Doctor.                                                                                                                                                                 NCHSAA English Athlete Physical Form                                                                                                    NCHSAA Spanish Athlete Physical Form
  3. Complete the Online Concussion Test


Please select the sport on the left side of this page
for a team schedule.

All Athletes must have a current Athletic Physical Each Year, 
RankOne must be completed each year,
and a Concussion Test.

(All athletes must have a form of Health Insurance)

                                                                  Student Insurance Spanish Doc

                                                                  Student Insurance English Doc