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College Counseling

In the Counseling Center, you will find many varied resources to help with future planning, including college! 

The Dare County Board of Education funds our Carolina College Advising Corps advisers. The Corps aims to help low-income, first-generation and under-represented students apply and enroll in a higher education institution where they will succeed, and importantly, stay until graduation. The CCAC adviser helps out on several fronts – by assisting school counselors and by being a near-peer – on everything-college. The CCAC advisers help with the FAFSA, to find the best match for students, to help edit college and scholarship essays, and answer other questions that occur to students. They also go on tours of colleges, where grant funding is available.

Our College Advisers this year are Tiana Santana and Rachel Mullenix. 

Mr. John Hunting, our COA liaison, is also available to assist with all things COA and college including college applications, FAFSA, RDS the Dare Guarantee and many other things!

Ms. Suzanne Jennette is our CDC, and is able to help with career guidance and many other things. Ms. Suzanne coordinates our recruiters and the ASVAB test. She can help with internships and other career explorations. 

Ms. Karla Jarvis, our lead counselor, can help with all these things and is also the scholarship coordinator and SAT test coordinator for our school. Please see Ms. Karla with questions you may have and she can assist you and help you find the right additional resources!